The Realization Process (RP) is an innovative method of mind-body integration—also known as embodied non dual awakening— that helps us uncover a very subtle, dynamic dimension of our being. We do not create this dimension; we uncover it by learning to deeply inhabit our bodies. When we experience this dimension, we experience our uninjured wholeness. RP can transform our relationship to ourselves, our loved ones, and all beings.
RP was developed by psychologist and spiritual teacher Judith Blackstone about four decades ago. RP is deeply resonant with Zen philosophy and practice; indeed, Zen and other non dual traditions were pivotal influences as Judith developed RP. As our culture's understanding of the deep connection between mind and body has grown, RP has been increasingly recognized as a valuable method of healing and growth. I offer both classes and one-on-one instruction in RP.
20th century Zen master Shunryu Suzuki Roshi